It's going to be a sad sad day when I have to hand over the keys to my trusty bike!
The well ( the echo is great)
ECD children drawing pictures of their mums and dads in the sand
The school farm, the corn you can se is all owned by the school which they can sell to raise funds
Bright new shiny building!
New pit latrines
The grade 2 class
Return to Medina Sancha
It was exciting to return to my favourite school and see the shiny new buildings that were now surrounded by fields of tall corn. Newly whitewashed walls, bright shiny corrugate, recently planted trees in the yard and a proper office for Mr Boye. Only the ECD class were still housed in the old style woven classroom. It is also good news that the Fresh start foundation were coming to do a feasibility study to provide a borehole for a water supply for the school. That would mean that they can then start a school garden. Also the letter asking for funding for building a kitchen was written and that would mean the school can become part of the world feeding programme. I took some books scrounged from my niece and nephew for the beginnings of a library and also took a big mat for the younger children to sit on for story time. The community are apparently very supportive of the school so everything is coming together quite nicely for Medina Sancha.